Importera en klassisk bil eller bildelar från USA av Kanada?
Cargoux Sköter allt!
When you buy, transport or import a car or motorcycle from abroad, there are many things to consider, such as; the type of vehicle you want to ship, the location where the old timer is at the moment you purchase it or whether or not you would like to have insurance for the transport.
Cargoux is happy to help you with all these questions!
We ship your car from door-to-door! Including all necessary paperwork in USA and Sweden.
Would you like a price for the shipment of your car?
Mail your question or request to
The import process in 4 steps:
We ship cars weekly from all the major ports in North America:
New York, Miami, Los Angeles, Houston, San Francisco, Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver
Would you like to receive a quotation for the transport of your car?
Or do you have a question regarding the import of a vehicle into Sweden?
Please contact our European team.
Tel. Whatsapp: 0031-617970761