Auto shipping to Romania, from USA, Canada, and in Europe with exit port of Constanta
Auto shipping to Romania. Romania is a country located in south eastern Europe, with a population of almost twenty million. It is landlocked on most sides, but does have some ports along the Black Sea. There are many mountainous regions, and historic sites such as the Bram Castle in Tranvylvania. It is good to have a guide when you visit the country, especially if you do not speak Romanian. If you are planning on shipping your auto to Romania, here are a few things you should know.
Romania by land
If you wish to ship your auto to Romania by land, you will have it transported through one of the countries that borders it. These countries include Bulgaria to the south, Serbia and Hungary to the west. Ukraine to the north and east, and Moldova to the north east. As stated before, there are some mountainous regions in Romania so you should plan out a route in advance. Of course, depending on where your automobile is getting shipped to Romania from, there are several options available to you in regards to finding a way to get your auto to its final destination in the country.
For example, if you wish to get your vehicle to Romania from Russia, it would be driven from Russia through the Ukraine and finally to Romania. Or you can have it transported from Russia by sea instead. You are not limited to a single choice, different shipping methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, in terms of how long the shipment will take and how much your total cost will end up being.
Romania by sea
If you do not wish to ship by land, shipping your auto to Romania by sea is also an option that is available to you. The Black Sea borders Romania to the east. This sea borders several other countries including Ukraine, Georgia, Russia, and Turkey. So your auto may be shipped across the sea from any of those countries straight to Romania. The sea also allows you to ship autos from a much farther distance. It connects via the Aegean Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, which then connects to the Tyrrhenian Sea, the Balearic Sea, and Alboran Sea.
From there, the Gibraltar Strait connects to the North Atlantic Ocean. Basically, this means that you have access to Romania by sea from practically anywhere if you follow that route. The ocean is a huge body of water, that borders quite a lot of different countries and continents. There are way too many to list.
Shipping your auto to Romania
Shipping your auto to Romania by sea is done through RoRo shipping, or Roll On Roll Off Shipping. Your automobile will be driven onto a ship, ferried across the water, and driven off once it arrives at Romania. It may first have to be driven to a port or coastal town, perhaps even driven through another country to get to them. In short, be sure to know the optimal route. We at Cargoux would be happy to help you find the best route through which you can ship your auto to Romania. Feel free to ask us if you have any questions. We hope you enjoy your stay.
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